1. Introduction
  2. Where can I get help?
  3. Setup
  4. Can I run Lute on a private web server?
  5. Can I run Lute on my phone or pad?
  6. Can I store Lute data on a USB key?
  7. Can I deploy Lute on NixOS?
  8. Can I make Lute secure?
  9. Is there an online version of Lute?
  10. How can I migrate from Lute v2 to v3?
  11. Languages
  12. Can you add language X?
  13. Can I add a custom font for a language?
  14. Books
  15. Where can I find books to import?
  16. Why won't my epub import correctly?
  17. Why won't my pdf import correctly?
  18. My text file import is giving a "utf-8 encoding" error message
  19. Reading
  20. I can't click on words in the reading screen
  21. Terms
  22. Why can't I change a Term?
  23. Why do Terms only have one definition?
  24. Where are my new Term's sentences?
  25. How should I use statuses?
  26. What are Term parents?
  27. Development
  28. How is development work prioritized?
  29. Can I contribute to Lute's code?
  30. Misc
  31. Can I import data from other systems?
  32. Why doesn't Lute have flashcards, or an SRS?
  33. Why is this free?