Where are my new Term's sentences?
Lute shows sentences for a Term and its siblings when you click the Sentences link on the Term form, but it only includes sentences for pages marked as "read". Pages are marked as "read" when you click either of the links at the bottom of the reading page:

(The green checkmark also changes all unknown terms to well-known.)
Lute only includes sentences from pages marked "read" for a few reasons:
- Only sentences you've seen before are included, so you'll have had some exposure to the vocabulary already. Including unread sentences would possibly show you new, confusing, or distracting vocabulary or ideas.
- Showing unread sentences can spoil books! (I was reading a book and when I looked up a sentence I found out that a character died ...)
In summary, when you first create a new term, the Sentences link won't show any sentences right away, but once you mark the page as "read" the sentences will be shown in the future.