Defining exports

Once Anki and AnkiConnect are setup, and the connection verified, you can create export specifications from Settings > Anki exports:

Then click the "Create new export specification" at the bottom of the listing.

Export nameWhatever you want to call this export
Deck NameThe target deck where new notes will be added. You need to create the deck first.
Note TypeThe Anki "note type" that terms will be exported to. The note type must already exist in Anki. You can use Anki's built-in note types or create your own. When you select the Note Type, all of the fields on the note are added to the Field Mapping, with blank values.
Field MappingHow to map data from Lute to the Anki note. See Field mappings
Criteria(Optional) Criteria that a Lute term must satisfy for it to be exported. See Criteria
Active?True if this export should be used.

The simplest export possible

The simplest export would be one to any deck, using the Basic card, with some simple mappings and no criteria:


Exports can take some time and thought to define! Some suggestions from my experience:

  • when you're first testing exports, perhaps create a deck like "testing_exports", and use that as the destination deck in your exports. You can delete the cards in this test deck as go, until you have the mappings you want.
  • you might want to create separate "Lute decks" for your exports, to keep Lute export data separate from your other data.