Updating Lute

First, you must stop Lute.

(Lute or Python may lock certain files while running, shutting down ensures that things will update safely.)


... if using pip

cd /path/to/your/lute         # change this line. :-)
source myenv/bin/activate     # Activate your virtual environment. See below for Windows
pip install --upgrade lute3

For Windows, instead of source myenv/bin/activate, do


Note: The above assumes you named your folder myenv, as suggested in installation. You may have named this folder differently!

... if using Docker

This assumes you're using a docker-compose.yml file.

cd /path/to/your/lute    # change this line. :-)
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d --remove-orphans

(Note: if you're using Lute v2, you'll first have to migrate to v3.)

... if using source

I assume you already know what you're doing, but here's a rough outline anyway:

Stop Lute.

git remote add upstream git@github.com:luteorg/lute-v3.git
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

There are other ways to do this, like PR master into your own fork, etc.

Keeping up-to-date when installing from source

All Lute development happens on the develop branch in the main repo, and when launched that code is merged into master.

If you install from source and make any modifications to Lute -- which of course you're welcome to do -- then you may want to periodically check the develop branch in the main Lute repo to ensure that you can merge in master when it is released. Here's roughly what you'd do:

# Commit your local changes
git add [your files]
git commit -m "[changes]"

git remote add upstream git@github.com:luteorg/lute-v3.git
git fetch upstream

# Check commits, if you want
git log HEAD..upstream/develop --oneline

git merge upstream/develop

Lute source code could change at any time, and I almost certainly will not be able to help you resolve code conflicts. With that said, I'm certainly interested in any changes that would be beneficial to the health/clarity of the code or would be useful for others, so if you make changes that you think would be good, let me know!